10 Ways that Music Therapy Can Help Older Adults

Do you have a loved parent or grandparent in your life and want to help them to connect with services that respect their dignity and improve their quality of life?  Music therapy services can be extremely beneficial for older adults both who are well and those who have physical, communication, emotional and memory needs.  Through research and clinical practice, music therapy has been shown to promote:

1. Memory recall which contributes to reminiscence and satisfaction with life

2. Positive changes in mood and emotional states

3. Increased sense of control over life through successful experiences

4. Awareness of self, others, and environment which accompanies increased attention to music

5.  Anxiety and stress reduction for both the older adult and caregivers

6.  Non-pharmacological management of pain and discomfort

7.  Stimulation which may provoke interest and awareness

8.  Structure which provides rhythmic and continuous movement or vocal fluency as an adjunct to physical rehabilitation

9.  Emotional intimacy when spouses and families share creative music experiences

10.  Social interaction with caregivers and families

Over the next several months we will delve into how client centered musical interventions can positively impact many of these areas, so stay tuned to learn more about how music therapy can help your loved one.